Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System

This website concerns itself with the programming language MUMPS in general. Specifically, iMUMPS is my experience with it as a profession.

Hi. My name is Ronnie and iMUMPS!

i Caché ObjectScript ( too, but that's not quite as catchy is it.

iMUMPS.COM uses SSL. If you are not redirected automatically, follow this link to

Just what the heck is iMUMPS?
I figured you might ask. Find iMUMPS 101 at  In the meantime, this page is representative of a legacy system; it's older technolgy, but necessary and hard to replace. I will demonstrate (forward-leaning statement) how a legacy MUMPS system is able to communicate with newer technology.

The page, the domain, serves as my soapbox for Health Information Technology and Health Informatics ramblings.

Tweets by @iMUMPS

January 10, 2020

So long to my Quest Diagnostics family. As a parting gift, here's a picture of Ronnie and the family having rolled ice cream at the Milk Lab.

October 31, 2019

Did You Know: powers (The Health eCommunity) and (GEM2DESIGN)? is committed to community involvment and advocates for improving the health and well-being of everyone, beginning with the Ridgefield community of Durham, NC and expanding the reach as far as humanly possible. is located in Durham, NC USA

Remember, healthy eating + exercising regularly = feeling good + looking good.

November 23, 2017

Improving the health of your community can be as simple as taking a walk. Get physically ative! Find a buddy and start moving. Don't forget about Durham Sisters United, our GirlTrek walking team. If you have not heard about GirlTrek, visit their website today.

According to the Surgeon General:

Remember, healthy eating + exercise = feeling good + looking good.

The Health eCommunity

The Health eCommunity project is funded in part by the City of Durham Neighborhood Matching Grants.

November 22, 2017

This holiday season, start a conversation about health. It is important to know what conditions "run" in the family. Grab a family member, sit down in front of the computer and visit the My Family Health Portrait website. It only takes about 20 minutes. Your doctor will love you for it. My Family Health Portrait

Take a portrait on Thanksgiving, a Family Health Portrait.

The Health eCommunity

The Health eCommunity is funded in part by the City of Durham Neighborhood Matching Grants.

October 26, 2017

It's not about how you look, it's about how you feel. EXERCISE MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD. And, when you feel good, you look good!

When you look good, you feel good.

You're looking better already.



The Health eCommunity

January 2, 2017

Here comes Disqus. Disqus is a service and tool for web comments and discussions. Let's add a social media plugin to the iMUMPS site.



SharePoint Sandbox

December 24, 2016

MUMPS versus Caché



SharePoint Sandbox

As a software developer, I tinker with technology in my spare time. I have placed a Google login/logout button on this page. Using the API, I login here and access to my Google apps (Gmail, Google Analytics, etc.) is available. I remained logged-in across all tabs in the browser. Nice.
Sign out

March 4, 2016

Link to outlook calendar. Created the calendar in Office 365. Let's see if others have access to it. Next, let's see if others can book appointments on it.



SharePoint Sandbox

December 2, 2015

Moments ago, I submitted my final assignment for the Master of Information Science degree (Health Informatics concentration) at NCCU's School of Library and Information Sciences. Yay me!



SharePoint Sandbox

October 24, 2015

Most of the fancy bells and whistles of Health Information Technology (HIT) are on the front-end. The back-end of most Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is a relational database. Could it be that data incompatibility is a result of the lack of a common approach to storing health care data? If there were a common approach, perhaps health care systems could share data more easily, without the need for translations, mappings, conversions.

From paper to digital is a good first step. Let's not be tempted to go after the "low-hanging fruit" by aiming the HIT muscle at the front-end, the user interface. The back-end, the data storage solution, is in dire need of modernization.



SharePoint Sandbox

July 05, 2015

MUMPS versus Caché

Both cars are sweet rides. But, hop in the driver's seat of the one on the right and try to charge your phone. No can do. The 1960 mustang does not have a USB port. That is kind of the same issue MUMPS has. It does not play well with newer technology. Now, jump in the driver's seat of the car on the left. Charging your phone is no problem. Well, you sort of do need one first. The interface is there. That is the way I see Caché v/s MUMPS. The interfaces are there which will allow newer technology to access valuable legacy data in a real-time manner. Flat-files, FTP'ing, and nightly loads? Forget about it.

Photo Credits:

2015 Mustang: Click here (

1960 Mustang: Click here (



SharePoint Sandbox

May 30, 2015

FYI: This website concerns itself with the programming language MUMPS in general. Specifically, iMUMPS is my experience with it as a profession.



SharePoint Sandbox

May 09, 2015

Hi. My name is Ronnie and I am a recovering MUMPS programmer. On second thought, my name is Ronnie and iMUMPS!

Since 1989, I've written software in the health care space from a developer's perspective. Since 2014, I've studied information science and health informatics as a graduate student. My perspective has changed.

Preparing to make a world of difference in health information technology with the electronic health record for my children's generation. Magnum opus. I've got this!



SharePoint Sandbox

May 02, 2015

iMUMPS, a much-needed bridge from legacy systems to 21st century technology in support of health informatics.



March 05, 2015

Changed hosting vendor. iMUMPS is in transition. Fret not, Ronnie is still in control.

